lunes, 14 de diciembre de 2009

Let's recycle! - Reduce group

Every group had to make a creative mural with all the waste materials they had taken from their houses.
In addition, they had made a recycled instrument at home. Some of them used the seeds from the Halloween Pumkins made by 6th graders in the school a month ago.


Cada grup va poder fer un mural amb diversos materials, deixalles, que els mateixos alumnes havien portat de casa: plàstics, papers, ampolles...

A més a més, van portar una gran verietat d'instruments "reciclats" que també havien creat ells individualment. A cada grup algú va preferir fer maraques amb rotlles de paper, llaunes.., algunes de les quals van incorporar les llavors de les carbasses de Halloween que havien fet els alumnes de sisè un mes abans. En aquest cas, el seu so és més suau que les realitzades amb gra o llegums:

 Murals and instruments:

Another "Reduce" group with all their instruments...a trumpet made with a hose!! a triangle, plastic bottle-shakers, a didjeridoo and "Coke-Aquarius drums"! Excellent!!

They worked hard, as it is shown in the following picture, and here there is the final result!

They had to cooperate and they made the mural with plastic bottles, ColaCao plastics, newspapers and many other different materials. The result was very nice.

Wow! Maria with his fantastic necklace!!! Really nice! Isn't it?

And here...their final mural they had already shown!

Júlia and Maria together, showing their creations!

Raul and Sergio's Mural, made with Häggen Dazs lids, Danone plastics, a plastic bottle...

And their instruments..."Bottle-Shakers" and a triangle!

And finally....Julia playing her fantastic didjeridoo!!!!